sábado, dezembro 06, 2003

Accordance, admiration, affair, affection, affinity, amorousness, beloved.
Benevolence, bonds of harmony, caress, concordance, correspondence, darling,
dear one, devotion, embrace, emotion, empathy, enjoy.

Feeling of identity.

Fidelity, generosity, get high on giving, go for, good vibrations, good wishes, goodwill, grace.
Have sex, hope, humanitarianism, identity, pleasure, potency, precious, rapture. Reciprocity,
regard, remembrances, respect, romance, sensuality, sentiment, smack the lips. Solicitude,
solidarity, sugar, supernatural virtues, sweet, take pleasure in, taste, temperance, tenderness,
treasure, union, unity, value, venerate, voluptuousness, want, wish very much, zeal ....

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